I have become convinced that this whole "INTERNET" thing is gonna catch on. You teenagers and your fancy email machines, YouSpaceTubeAOLBookDotCom, and whatever else. Well, I'm joining the Blogosphere now, and you - Candlewyck Youth - are coming with me. I love our church website and encourage you to visit it regularly. But, this blog is gonna give me the opportunity to post current events, pictures, devotions, and more without adding another thing to David D.'s plate. Congrats on the 4th, by the way, David! Can't wait to meet him/her!
With all this in mind, please send me any pics that you would like to appear on the site. Preferably youth events. Also, any bios, testimonies, praises, or shout-outs are welcome to be considered for posting.
Thank you for you visiting and for your involvement in our Student Ministry activities. I really enjoy the time that I get to spend with each of you as we Take Our Relationship w/ Christ Higher!
In Him,
This is the COOLEST BLOG EVER!!! :) I'm so glad The TORCH is invading the web!
love the pics drew exspecially the ones with me in them (the grimy games, beach retreat, and the one with cameron and my sis.) :)
where is my ornament topper that is so stary and TACKY!!!???
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